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With the review service, you can send us up to one A4 page of work, and we'll review it to tell you what, if any work you need doing. If it's an electronic document, then it should be single spaced, Times New Roman or similar, with a smallest font size of 12.


All it costs is £5, and if you use the review service, we'll give you 10% off the first 1000 words of the work you need doing.


Use the review service to:

  • Give you confidence by telling you if you need proofreading 

  •  Correct one or two minor errors, if that's all you need.

  • Receive an email detailing exactly what we can do, and how much it'll cost

  • Give 10% discount the service you use next, if you go ahead with proofreading or editing. 


To submit a document for review, simply attach it as a Word document to an email and send it to, or click here:

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