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What we do

You won't pay a penny until you've received a price, and given us the go-ahead. Simply make an enquiry, and your work will be priced and then you'll be directed to our paypal.


We work with the Society for Editors and Proofreaders's guidelines and prices to ensure a professional service. Each document is individually priced and sent to you to make sure you're happy before we go ahead.

A typical A4 document for proofreading (Times New Roman, font 12) will cost from £12, depending on how much work you need doing. Have a look at the individual services below to see what you need.


To send us work, use the 'Let's Talk' page.

You can send us up to an A4 page (min font 12) of work, and we'll review it to tell you what you need. Use this for a discount on any services you need. We will:


  • Give you confidence by telling you if you need proofreading, and what we can do. 

  • Correct one or two minor errors, if that's all you need.

  • Send you an email detailing exactly what we can do, and how much it'll cost

  • Give 10% discount the service you use next, if you go ahead with proofreading or editing. 



Need something small checking RIGHT NOW?

Simply send us a tweet with your question, and we'll get back to you A.S.A.P. with your answer. All it costs is £1.50, and you get instant confidence.


Coming soon...

Our professional proofreading service.

Each proofreading is individually priced. 
An A4 document for proofreading will cost from £12 (Times New Roman, font 12), depending on how much work you need doing. We will:

  • Professionally proofread your work, and return you a finished product, ready to use.

  • Give you a copy of corrections using the British Standard Proofreading marks, with descriptions.

  • Correct spelling, grammar, and syntax errors.

  • Make style suggestions



The Essayist isn't just online. If you really need the personal touch, just contact us, and we'll come and meet you to discuss your work. We'll arrange the cost with you depending on location and your needs.

Currently based in London and Oxford, but we'll travel to you, and we're expanding to more locations soon...

For more extensive editing and rewriting, use our editing service.

An A4 document for editing will cost from £16 (Times New Roman, font 12)

We discuss everything with you, and keep a copy of the original, so you choose the changes you want.

We personally discuss style, meaning, and the extent of any edits before we go ahead.

It costs nothing to say hello!

Get in touch, leave us feedback, let us know you're here.

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