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For more extensive rewriting and editing, you'll need our editing service. We'll consult with you via phone or email about exactly what you need. An initial consultation is FREE, and there's no committment after that.

After our first consultation, we'll send you a price list of how much everything is going to cost to make sure you're happy. When we return the edited document to you, we'll explain the changes we've made, and you'll be able to compare it with the original document, in case there's anything you want to keep your way.


We personally discuss the style of your writing, the meaning you want to preserve, and the extent of any editing you want before we go ahead.

An A4 document for editing will cost from £16. Documents should be single spaced, Times New Roman or similar font, and with a smallest font size of 12.


To submit a document for editing and request a consultation, simply attach it as a Word document to an email, provide any details you want, and send it to

Or click here:


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